viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2017

Wheel of Awareness Practice

I just knew five senses of my body, the ones who taught me on school. Nowadays with so much technology available, started to think that I just sensed two of them. With all activity in social networks I realized soon that the sense of meaningful was based on only two senses: sight & hear. If you interact in social networks or anything involved with technology, you feel connected with the world but at the same time you feel disconnected because you miss the other senses. 

Now with Wheel of Awareness, I have to get known of more senses (until eight). Before I knew of the Wheel of Awareness, I just called this senses as sensations. But now I just simply recognized them. 

I enjoyed Body Scan Meditation because I can be aware of some physical responses acting in my body, and notice the reactions in my mind. So, I could compare in the same way how emotional feelings (mental activity) can act in my body.

Now when I experiment the sensation of the seventh sense, I can notice the begining of the sensation in my body because of some emotion or thought, so then I can stop and recover my balance.

To feel the eigth sense, it has not been easy for me, maybe practicing much more or maybe with some close persons could be easier than others.

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